Vee Digital is a wholesale digital agency....meaning we do not provide full retail service.
The products and services we make available on this website are provided for individuals and businesses who know clearly what they are doing and just want someone to provide a professional implementation service. By "...clearly what they are doing..." we mean they are digital savvy, have developed their own marketing strategy and can provide well defined instructions for a design and/or dev team to deliver the result they are requesting (we provide questionnaires to help with the process).
The 4 pre-defined products available on this page have been set to allow one-off projects to be done or for a test of our service to be carried out before considering becoming a Partner. These products are at the less-complex end of the possible types of work because they exclude custom designed websites.
If you wish to have access to a wider range of products including custom designed websites (full conversion focused design and develop service is available or BYO design development service), you can apply to become a Partner. You will need to jump through a few hoops first to be accepted as a but its not that difficult. We just need to know that you have the experience and knowledge to do all the pre-design/pre-development work needed for a new project and have more regular digital services needs.
Our prices reflect that we do not do the pre-development work (ie the sales process to attract a new client, client relationship management, preparation of brief for designer and developer, content strategy etc).
So, if you would like a digital services job done, please see the details below for our website development products and/or to hire our team do do smaller maintenance, content population and improvement jobs. You can click through to the specific products using the orange buttons to get more details.
Our range of WordPress business websites are built on the premium Genesis Framework for maximum security and speed out of the box. All are mobile responsive and SEO ready.
- Pre-Designed Website
- Hybrid or Semi-Custom Website
Which type of website do you want?
Pre-Designed means it is a website design that has already been created and coded into a theme. These are quick to build and the investment is affordable to smaller budgets. The downside is that there will be other websites using the same design, so you need to personalise it with your (or your client's) logo, images, and video to personalise it. Use Pre-Designed websites for smaller budgets, start-ups or when you don't fully understand your target customers yet (ie get a website into the market and then upgrade it in a short period of time as you build a more accurate profile of your target market). Affordable to upgrade regularly to meet changing needs in your market or even fashions.
With Hybrid or Semi-Custom websites we start with a Pre-Designed theme and then customise it to suit the look and feel of your business. It can be crafted to better deliver what is needed for the target customers and defined purposes for the website. The investment compared with the Pre-Designed website reflects a labour component as a designer may be needed to guide the design elements that need modifying and there will be coding required by one of our a developers plus a higher level of review and project management. These websites are more unique and built around your specific needs.
Hire Our Team
Our developers and content team can be yours to.
We have set our team up to not only develop new websites, but to provide updates and improvements to existing websites, integration of other services, content population (for both websites and email autoresponders), adding images and videos, maintenance work and upgrades.
When you need help with some technical or administrative work on your website, simply pre-purchase hours and you can place a request through the Project Manager to use our team's services by the hour.
All time spent will be logged and available to you at any time. If you are out of "time" the Project Manager will ask you to purchase more before proceeding.