Consulting is much more like a job than it is a business.
Yes, you are self employed, but you are restricted to working a certain number of hours and that restricts your ability to earn unlimited income.
A business on the other hand, has leverage. You can generate income from more sources than just your own efforts and as such, your income is not limited.
That is not to say that consulting is not a good way of life, but that all consultants should work towards building a business as well. That is what Vee Digital was built for. It is my business developed out of a consultancy.
As a Marketing and Business Management Consultant, I was constantly recommending my clients build websites, run on-line marketing campaigns, build traffic to their websites, convert traffic into sales or members or subscribers on email lists, run email campaigns and more. But I had no control. The results for the client were not always what we had hoped because I was often out of the loop when they went to their other providers to implement plans.
So I created a web development and on-line marketing business and outsourced much of the work to other providers. This way I was in control and the results for clients improved.
Like all entrepreneurs, I started to see other opportunities and had built a system that could cope with more work than I could send to it, so after buying out one of my key providers, I started offering the service to other Marketing and Business Consultants and a few Designers and Online Marketing guys. Vee Digital was born…
Explore ways we can help you build a stronger business with more recurring income streams while providing more services and getting better results for your customers by being in control and offering more services in house.